Discussion Formats
A carefully chosen discussion format is a prerequisite for achieving the aim and expectations set for the discussion. The Opinion Festival is a place where you can and should experiment with different discussion formats – for some discussions, the best choice is a classic panel discussion, for another discussion, forum theatre helps to better achieve the aim, and a third discussion may require a completely different solution. Scroll down the page to see the formats!
The formats on this page have been selected and described by the Opinion Festival’s good partners DD Stratlab, Change Consulting, SpeakSmart and the Estonian Debating Society. Discussion formats can be searched for based on four criteria:
1. What is the purpose of the discussion?
Is it desired to bring together different points of view and create greater understanding between them? Or is it desired to open up different positions and give the participants in the discussion a better overview of the problem at hand? Is it possible that the desire is to find a certain common ground between the participants? Or rather to develop a solution to a problem or some other fairly concrete output?
2. Who gets to speak in the discussion?
How inclusive is the discussion – are invited discussants-guests more likely to speak, or are participants, i.e. the audience, more likely to speak? Or is the discussion time divided more or less equally between the two?
3. How conflictual is the topic?
The question here is how different the positions are and how opposed the participants are. Conflict does not mean that people fall out or start arguing and shouting at each other. In this case, by conflict, we mean precisely the fundamental opposition of the participants in the discussion and, consequently, the intensity of the discussion. At the other end of the scale are discussions where the participants are more or less of one mind and therefore the discussion is rather neutral.
4. How broad is the topic?
Is a very narrow and therefore specific question being discussed, or is a broader and more general topic under discussion?
Find a suitable discussion format
Use the search engine and find the most suitable discussion format for you. If you get stuck, want answers to questions or some additional tips, please contact your discussion area coordinator, who will be able to help you themselves or put you in touch with either the Opinion Festival’s discussion design mentor or the partners behind the adaptation of these formats.