Help the 10th Opinion Festival take place!

The Opinion Festival is taking place for the 10th time this summer and has launched the Hooandja campaign to celebrate this important event with all its friends, partners, supporters and visitors. To celebrate the Jubilee, we will launch a book called “Opinion Festival 10”, decorate the Opinion Festival area in all festiveness and host a grand and joyous celebration in the central square in Paide for everyone.

The book “Opinion Festival 10” takes a look at the festival’s journey from the beginning to today and stores the most important milestones and moodier memories through the eyes of both organizers and volunteers. “Opinion Festival 10” offers fun but also thought-provoking stories on its 40 pages from the timeline of the Opinion Festival and opinion culture, which show how an event that brings thousands of volunteers and tens of thousands of visitors together has grown from the heart of activists. There will be only 300 copies of the book, and in addition to the support in Hooandja, the book can only be purchased at the Opinion Festival.

To create a festive birthday atmosphere, we will decorate the Opinion Festival area with light installations by the valued artist Elo Liiva, which will show Paide in a whole new light. Under the guidance of Elo Liiva, we will also conduct a workshop where all interested parties can participate in the creation of a new light solution for a public space object in Paide.

The celebration culminates in a joint cake-eating and spectacular concert in the central square  of Paide: the concert will be held by a jazz music collective Estonian Dream Big Band, that for the first time will take the stage with the legendary singers Dagmar Oja and Kaire Vilgats or also known as Suured tüdrukud. After the concert, the party will continue with DJ  britiimpeerium and DJ melomaanik.

Why should you contribute?

If you have visited the Opinion Festival or listened to the discussions in 10 years, we would like to welcome you to participate and donate so we could celebrate this important milestone all together. By donating to the Opinion Festival, you support our mission to promote opinion culture in Estonia.

For donors, we have some appreciation gifts that can be received during the Opinion Festival in Paide: a book with our story, special cinnamon bun flavored ice cream by La Muu and the Opinion Festival, Opinion Festival t-shirts and hoodies by NOLA studio and last but not least tickets for the new play by Paide Theater.

More information can be found here.

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