
Finding Common Ground

The aim of this format is to help bridge divides on polarised topics.

How Does It Work? Format Description

This discussion follows a very specific format. At the beginning, participants are divided into two groups based on their stance on the topic (the assumption is that participants will be roughly evenly split). The entire format takes place in pairs. The moderator provides step-by-step instructions to all participants on how and what to discuss with their partner.

What Do Discussion Participants Do?

All participants are actively engaged in discussion throughout. There are no passive observers.

What If There Are Invited Speakers?

There are no invited speakers.

What Is the Moderator’s Role and Profile?

The moderator leads the discussion by providing ongoing instructions. They also frame the conversation continuously, reminding participants that the goal is to better understand the other person and identify areas of agreement.

Number and Profile of Participants

There are no prerequisites or limits on the number of participants.

Preparation and Follow-up: Where Does This Format Fit?

This format does not easily integrate into other processes but is well-suited for general societal debates. The most important part of preparation is selecting and framing a topic in the form of a “yes or no” question that is likely to have an even split of opinions among the festival audience.

If you need advice on selecting or implementing a discussion format, contact your discussion area coordinator.

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